Some people already know what these four books are. They’re what we call the Gospels – the first four books in the New Testament. They’re all about the life and ministry of Jesus and honestly, I don’t know how many times I’ve read them. Anytime I open up to them, I get this “been there, done that” feeling. A feeling like I’ve heard it all before. If I am to choose, I’d rather read Romans or Ephesians or James or Psalms. Not four books with pretty much the same stories in them just written by different authors. I’ve found them slightly boring for the past few…well, years really. There, I said it.
Too raw for you? Sorry, if it’s uncomfortable. I tend to be that way, sometimes. I sometimes surprise my husband with this rawness but he says it’s “refreshing” and it’s a good thing (most of the time).
Ok, let’s get to the good part.
In the beginning of the year I felt challenged by my Pastor to dig into the Gospels, unbeknownst to him at the time. You see, at my church, we have this class called “Seeds” and it’s for people curious about Christianity and what it’s all about. I heard my Pastor say that he told the class to not start reading the Bible for the first time from beginning to end but rather start at the Gospels…read about Jesus and learn about who he is, what he did and what he was like.
I grabbed onto this challenge like a brand new Christian myself and started a journey through these four books.
And I’m undone, guys. Just undone.
How very wrong I was to think I’ve “heard it all before.”
It’s taken me months to read through these books and I’m not completely finished that last one, John, yet. Almost there. But you see, this girl who tends to rush is taking her time on this particular journey. It hasn’t all felt like “ah ha!” moments reading through these books. I don’t start with a desire to even read, some days. Sometimes I get 45 minutes and sometimes 5 – really depends on this little human we have occupying our house now. 😉 But there have been sweet, precious moments in time during this journey that I feel as if my heart will explode with the truth that I’m reading. And the Bible is just like that, I think. It says it’s “living, breathing……” Well, I’m experiencing this right now and it’s really, really good.
So for the next few weeks this summer, I’m going to share with you a few of the ways these four books have cut deep.
For lack of a better title, here’s my Journey through the Gospels…PART 1.